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uniform sampler2D depthtexN;

There are three samplers for accessing the depth buffer.

  • depthtex0 includes all geometry
  • depthtex1 excludes transparent geometry
  • depthtex2 excludes transparent and heldheld geometry

These buffers can be read from any program, but will contain garbage data until the respective gbuffers shader has executed. For example, depthtex1 will first contain meaningful data in the deferred stage.


These buffers are automatically written to by gbuffers programs, and store the screenspace z coordinate at each pixel. You can manually write to this buffer by setting the gl_FragDepth variable in any gbuffers fragment shader. If gl_FragDepth is used in a shader, the automatic writing will be disabled and the shader is responsible for writing all depth values.


These buffers are the same resolution as the Minecraft window. This cannot be configured.

Format / precision

These buffers only store information in a single channel, the r component. The depth buffer precision is hardware / driver dependent. However, most hardware uses either 24-bit or 32-bit (R24 or R32) precision.


All these buffers clear to vec4(1.0). This cannot be configured.


These buffers do not flip.

Aliases Legacy

depthtex0 can be accessed through the legacy alias gdepthtex.