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For each color attachment sampler, there is actually two buffers, the “main” and “alt” buffers. gbuffers and shadow programs read from the “main” buffer and write to the “main” buffer, which means that reading to and writing from the same buffer will cause artifacting. begin, shadowcomp, prepare, deferred, and composite passes however read from the “main” buffer and write to the “alt” buffer, allowing them to read and write to the same buffer, and after that program the “main” and “alt” buffers are swapped so data written by the current program is read by the next program.

This behavior can be controlled with the flip.<program>.<bufferName> directive. Replace <program> with the program name (i.e. composite2), <bufferName> with the sampler name (i.e. colortex5), setting the value to false will disable the buffer flip that would happen before the start of that program. The default behavior is for buffer flipping to be enabled for all programs.