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Custom Uniforms



Iris lets you define custom uniforms which are evaluated on the CPU and uploaded on program change, rather than in shader code. This reduces the amount of duplicated code or unnecessary texture reads/writes as shaders cannot directly access variables across files.

Two types of values can be created: variables and uniforms. Uniforms are values which are calculated and uploaded to the GPU for shader programs to access. Variables are equivalent to uniforms, but are not uploaded to the GPU (they can be used as intermediate values).


A uniform/variable can be either a float, int, bool, vec2, vec3, or vec4 data type. Although you can access existing matrix uniforms, you cannot create custom matrix uniforms/variables.

Uniforms and variables can be constructed from the following:

  • Other uniforms except dynamic uniforms (entityColor, blockEntityId, fogMode, fogColor, chunkOffset)
  • Literals (number/boolean value) and pi
  • Operators
    • float/int/vector: +, -, *, /, % (remainder)
    • boolean: !, &&, ||
    • any: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
  • Vector constructors (vec2(x,y), vec3(x,y,z), vec4(x,y,z,w))
  • Functions (see table)

Element access

Vector elements can be accessed similar to GLSL (.xyzw, .rgba, stpq, and .0123). Swizzling is not supported, so only a single element can be pulled, for example cameraPosition.y would return the y component of cameraPosition. Only vector uniforms and variables can be accessed this way, intermidiate values cannot (e.g. min(vec2(0.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0)).x is not allowed, instead store the result of the min to a variable and reference that with .x).

Matrix elements (from existing matrix uniforms only) can be accessed with the following syntax: matrix.<row>.<column> where <row> and <column> are replaced with the row/column index (starting at 0). For example gbufferModelView.0.3 would return the value at the 1st row 4th column of gbufferModelView.


The following functions are available to use in custom uniforms/variables.

torad(deg) / radians(deg)Degrees to radians
todeg(rad) / degrees(rad)Radians to degrees
asin(x)Inverse sine
acos(x)Inverse cosine
atan(x)Inverse tangent
atan(y, x) / atan2(y, x)Inverse tangent with 2 parameters
exp(x)Exponential (e^x)
pow(x, y)Power exponential (x^y)
exp2(x)Power of 2 exponential (2^x)
exp10(x)Power of 10 exponential (10^x)
log(x)Natural logarithm (ln)
log(base, value)Arbitrary base logarithm (log base)
log2(x)Base 2 logarithm (log base 2)
log10(x)Base 10 logarithm (log base 10)
sqrt(x)Square root
abs(x)Absolute value
sign(x) / signum(x)Sign of x (either -1, 0, or 1)
floor(x)Floor (nearest integer <= x)
ceil(x)Ceil (nearest integer >= x)
frac(x)Fractional component (after decimal point)
min(x, y)Minimum value
max(x, y)Maximum value
clamp(x, min, max)Clamp x between min and max
mix(x, y, a)Linear interpolation between x and y by a
edge(k, x)0 if x < k, otherwise 1 (equivalent to GLSL step)
fmod(x, y)Floor modulus (x - y * floor(x/y))
random()Random float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive) generated each frame
random(min, max)Random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) generated each frame
randomInt()Random integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647 generated each frame
randomInt(min, max)Random integer between min and max-1 generated each frame
if(cond, val, [cond2, val2, ...], val_else)Returns the first val whose boolean cond is true, otherwise return val_else
smooth([id], val, [fadeUpTime, [fadeDownTime]])Smooths val over time, fade times are halflife in seconds (default 1s), id is optional unique ID
between(a, min, max)true if a is between min and max inclusive, otherwise false
equals(a, b, epsilon)true if abs(a-b) <= epsilon, false otherwise
in(x, val1, val2, ...)true if x equals any val, false otherwise

Unless otherwise noted, each function can take in a float or int and outputs the same type. In addition, the following functions can work with vector inputs/output: abs, floor, ceil, min, max, clamp, if, smooth, in.


Here, take some yummy candy examples! What, the white van? Ignore that, you like candy examples don’t you?

uniform.bool.isOakBiome = in(biome, BIOME_FOREST, BIOME_DARK_FOREST)
uniform.bool.isHotBiome = in(biome_category, CAT_MESA, CAT_SAVANNA, CAT_DESERT)
uniform.float.sprintFactor = smooth(if(is_sprinting, 1.0, 0.0), 0.7, 0.3)
uniform.float.sunHeight = sin(2.0*pi * sunAngle)
variable.float.waterColorR = if(in(biome, BIOME_SWAMP), 0.38, in(biome, BIOME_LUKEWARM_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN), 0.271, in(biome, BIOME_WARM_OCEAN), 0.263, in(biome, BIOME_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_SNOWY_TAIGA, BIOME_SNOWY_BEACH), 0.239, in(biome, BIOME_FROZEN_RIVER, BIOME_FROZEN_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN), 0.224, in(biome, BIOME_MEADOW), 0.055, in(biome, BIOME_MANGROVE_SWAMP), 0.227, 0.247)
variable.float.waterColorG = if(in(biome, BIOME_SWAMP), 0.482, in(biome, BIOME_LUKEWARM_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN), 0.678, in(biome, BIOME_WARM_OCEAN), 0.835, in(biome, BIOME_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_SNOWY_TAIGA, BIOME_SNOWY_BEACH), 0.341, in(biome, BIOME_FROZEN_RIVER, BIOME_FROZEN_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN), 0.22, in(biome, BIOME_MEADOW), 0.306, in(biome, BIOME_MANGROVE_SWAMP), 0.478, 0.463)
variable.float.waterColorB = if(in(biome, BIOME_SWAMP), 0.392, in(biome, BIOME_LUKEWARM_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN), 0.949, in(biome, BIOME_WARM_OCEAN), 0.933, in(biome, BIOME_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_COLD_OCEAN, BIOME_SNOWY_TAIGA, BIOME_SNOWY_BEACH), 0.839, in(biome, BIOME_FROZEN_RIVER, BIOME_FROZEN_OCEAN, BIOME_DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN), 0.788, in(biome, BIOME_MEADOW), 0.812, in(biome, BIOME_MANGROVE_SWAMP), 0.416, 0.894)
uniform.vec3.waterColor = vec3(waterColorR, waterColorG, waterColorB)

See I told you it was yummy.