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The file lets you assign IDs to specific entities by their Minecraft ID. These IDs can be read through entityId in gbuffers and shadow shaders. The file should be placed in the shaders folder.

Entities can be assigned to an ID in this file, with the following syntax:

entity.<ID> = [<namespace>:]<entity_id>
# for example
entity.1 = minecraft:skeleton minecraft:sheep

The optional namespace allows support for modded entities. Multiple entities can be assigned to a single ID, however a single entity can only be assigned to a single ID. IDs are stored internally as 16-bit unsigned integers, and can store values between 0 and 65535.

Hardcoded IDs

The following entity IDs do not exist in Minecraft but are hardcoded by Iris:

  • minecraft:name_tag: Name tag text above entities.
  • minecraft:entity_shadow: The circular shadow under an entity when there is no shadow map.
  • minecraft:entity_flame: The flame when an entity is on fire.
  • minecraft:zombie_villager_converting: A zombie villager undergoing conversion.
  • minecraft:player_cape: Player cape (without elytra).
  • minecraft:elytra_with_cape: Player cape (with elytra).