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Render Stages

The uniform renderStage stores the “render stage” of the current geometry. This can be used to identify what type of geometry is being rendered in more detail than the gbuffer program it’s running in. The following render stages are defined by Iris as preprocessor macros:

MC_RENDER_STAGE_NONEUndefined (should not occur normally)
MC_RENDER_STAGE_SKYThe upper portion of the sky not including stars or textures like the sun/moon
MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUNSETThe lower portion of the sky used to generate the sunset effect, does not include textures like the sun/moon
MC_RENDER_STAGE_CUSTOM_SKYCustom sky texture from resource pack, such as from Optifine or FabricSkyBoxes
MC_RENDER_STAGE_SUNSun texture in the sky
MC_RENDER_STAGE_MOONMoon texture in the sky
MC_RENDER_STAGE_STARSVanilla star geometry in the sky
MC_RENDER_STAGE_VOIDVoid sky, which renders below the player when they are below bedrock
MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_SOLIDSolid terrain geometry (terrain with no cuttouts or transparent)
MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUT_MIPPEDIntended for cutout geometry with mipmaps, instead these are flagged as MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_SOLID Currently unused by Iris
MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_CUTOUTIntended for cutout geometry without mipmaps, instead these are flagged as MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_SOLID Currently unused by Iris
MC_RENDER_STAGE_ENTITIESEntity geometry including nametag text
MC_RENDER_STAGE_DESTROYIntended to be used for the block cracks texture, Currently unused by Iris
MC_RENDER_STAGE_OUTLINEPlayer block selection outline, does not include any other lines (such as fishing lines and leads)
MC_RENDER_STAGE_DEBUGIntended to be used for debug view lines, Currently unused by Iris
MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_SOLIDSolid or cutout geometry for held items/blocks
MC_RENDER_STAGE_TERRAIN_TRANSLUCENTTransparent terrain (such as water and stained glass)
MC_RENDER_STAGE_TRIPWIREIndented to be used for the tripwire string texture, Currently unused by Iris
MC_RENDER_STAGE_PARTICLESAll particle geometry
MC_RENDER_STAGE_CLOUDSVanilla cloud geometry
MC_RENDER_STAGE_RAIN_SNOWRain and snow geometry (not including particle effects)
MC_RENDER_STAGE_HAND_TRANSLUCENTTransparent geometry for held items/blocks